Tuesday 23 October 2012

Production Pitch feedback

I collected audience feedback on my production pitch by linking the prezi alongside my online survey onto different social networking sites such as twitter and tumblr.

I wanted to get feedback from both males and females as our film trailer is aimed at both genders, but as the survey was online and anonymous I did not pick who completed them. I got more feedback from females then males but it will still be useful to see what they think of the story line and if it is conventional or not.

The people who completed my online survey ranged between 11-20+ years but our main target audience is teenagers aged between 14-19, which the majority of the people who completed the survey was.

 What is your first impression of the film trailer synopsis?
  •  Informed and to the point; gives all of the necessary information without rambling
  • I think it's a really good concept and very well thought out, use a lot of conventions associated with the genre.
  • It is conventional but with a twist which makes the plot intriguing
  • It looks intriguing
  • I think it's a pretty cool idea. It would be a great novel if you can put the whole thing into a story
  • Speechless
  • My first impressions are that the trailer has a well thought out plot, the pictures used give a relevant image of the trailer and that existing movies of the same genre have been taken into consideration well
  • It sounded intriguing and actually rather scary
  • Creepily but interesting too

All of the feedback I got from all the people were very positive which means that the story line we came up with should be effective if we portray it correctly onto film. Also as the majority of the people who completed the questionnaire were within our target audience, it suggests that the film trailer should be successful. From the previous survey I completed on audience research, the majority said that the most intriguing element they find in a film is the story line, from the feedback we got suggests that we achieved one of our targets.

I also received a comment on my Prezi presentation, which mentioned my effective way of making the presentation straight to the point and getting our idea across.

 All of the people who completed the questionnaire have said that our genre was easily recognised which shows that the conventions within our story plot were successful.

All of the people who completed the survey have said that they found the plot line intriguing and as the majority of the people who gave us feedback fit into our target audience, which suggests that it will attract our audience.

I asked the people who completed the survey to rate how conventional our film trailer was, there people rated between 7-10 but the majority scored it an 8, which shows that our plot is conventional.

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