Wednesday 24 October 2012

Production Diary: Day 4

24th October 2012

Today was our last scheduled filming, we had to quickly adjust the storyboard from the character of Mai bumping into a stranger on the streets to her bumping into a student in the corridor at school as it was just more convenient to cast someone as the unknown student than to find an adult that would be free during the day. As the person in charge of the make up was at another school during the period that everyone else was available, I decided to carry on with the filming of the student and Mai and wait until the end of the day to film the close up of her hand/arm with bruises which can easily be edited in. As we filmed the close up after school, I had to use my hands as substitute of the students on the film but as it is only a small section of me seen.

Then filmed a small scene we forgot to film yesterday on the way back to the location to chose to film at then we filmed all the scenes with the mum character as it was the only day we that every one free. I was in charge of the filming and partial directing again with contribution to Claudia for confirmation and we managed to film all the footage from the storyboard for our trailer. Abi was able to edit a screen shot on photoshop to make a news article on the iPad look realistic which made the scenes more believable.

All we have to do now is start editing the footage together and if any parts need re-filming, we will have time to improve it.

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