Wednesday 31 October 2012

Production Diary: Day 5

31st October 2012

I started editing the video previously on iMovie but then I accidentally deleted the project but luckily I did not loose any of the raw footage we filmed during the past few weeks. Due to the technical difficulty I had to start from scratch but one thing i did realise from the deleted edit was that the order we originally planned on the storyboard was too logical to how it would happen in the film if it was made. I thought we needed to change it to give it a more intriguing feel to attract the target audience. I arranged a day with Claudia to help me adjust and improve the sequence of events within the trailer.

As I had Final Cut Pro on my computer I thought I would give it a try as the software is more advanced than iMovie. We were able to adjust the lighting and colour saturation accordingly to scenes as some scenes are meant to be during the night. Claudia helped me by giving her opinion and advice on what she thought would flow better and which clips to use between the several takes we did on the same scene. We also discussed the plot of the rest of the film to give us a clearer idea of how to portray it in the trailer and we came across things online which described the reason behind why the ghost is haunting Mai and killing other characters.

“Ghosts” are souls that remain on earth harassing and causing trouble for the living. They are thought to be souls that failed to reach the afterlife because of 1) some problem they encountered on their journey; 2) a lack of a proper send off by their living relatives on earth; or 3) tragic circumstances surrounding their death or life. Special rituals are often held to send these ghosts to their afterlife destination.
“vengeful ghosts,” who have died in an accident or have been angered by some perceived injustice and need to be appeased

We spent approximately 4 hours editing and managed to edit the video aspect of the whole film trailer, all we have to do now is to add music, sound effects and on screen text and our first completed edit will be finished.

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