Thursday 28 June 2012

Summary of genre research

From the genre research I completed, I found out that the thriller genre was created a long time ago evolving from thriller literature into thriller films, in the 1930s [the sound era] allowed thriller to fully develop with the use of sophisticated dialogue, in the late 1940s the genre toughened and the characters dressed down it did not necessarily need to depend on the excitement of the extravagant action scenes whereas contemporary thriller films tend to focus on well executed action scenes, car chases, acrobatic action sequences which did not have to have a plausible storyline. Some of the conventional camerawork and editing techniques used within thriller film trailers were fast pace editing which builds up the excitement of the film, fade to black which creates suspense and lengthens the trailer and build up the excitement and anticipation for the next scene within the trailer, dissolve transition and cross cutting which also lengthens the trailer and cross cutting of the whole film in non-chronological order intrigues the audience and leave them wanting to find out more. All the conventional techniques are used to intrigue the audience to hold the interest, create uncertainty, anxiety, suspense and adventure that will draw the audience in. Thriller trailers tend to create an attachment between the audience and the main characters by giving the main character/s likable qualities and characteristics where they cannot help but worry about their safety and well being and also bring across a certain message throughout the film. The mise-en-scene within trailer films tend to use low key lighting and isolated as it gives an eerie atmosphere, also it makes the plot of the story more plausible as it is more likely no one can help when it is late at night when most people are sleeping and isolated where not many people are around and the villains within thriller films tend to wear dark costumes to reflect their attitude and behaviour. The non-diegetic background music tend to either be a dramatic build up towards the end or very quiet and eerie to compliment the atmosphere created by mise-en-scene, the music  choice is key to create the desired mood for the trailer so they usually have no lyrics to draw the focus on the actions within the scene. A production company that played a major roll in the development of the thriller genre was Hammer Films Productions, they are best known for a series of Gothic “Hammer Horror” films in the mid 1950s to 1970s, they mainly produce science fiction, thrillers, film noir and comedy films and they dominated the horror film market during successful years. Hammer films tend to include excitement, sense of suspense, exhilaration that drives the narrative, sustained tension, surprise and a constant sense of impending doom to intrigue the audience. With all the information I collected from my research into the thriller genre, I now know what conventional techniques I could use within my own film trailer to make it clear to the audience the genre I have chosen and to create a successful trailer that would intrigue the audience leaving them wanting to watch the whole film.

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