Thursday 28 June 2012

Detailed Analysis: The Panic Room

Dissolve transition was used from the shot with the empty room to the room with people in, as the room was empty before it signifies the characters intruding the space. The dissolve fades the two scenes together which gives a ghostly effect which could also suggest that their time spent at the house drags on.
This scene uses low key lighting which is usually used within thriller films creates deep shadows and establish mood which gives a sense of mystery.
The setting of this shot was in an aging house which is conventional within thriller films as it makes the film more credible that the location/setting is haunted.

Fade to black transitions are often used in thriller films between some scenes which lengthens the time, it builds up the audience’s anticipation. Black connotes mystery.
Low key lighting is used again to creates deep shadows and create mystery.
The composition of the two shot used within the scene gives the male character subtle dominance over the woman as he is looking down at her. The female characters body language signifies she is a little uncomfortable and the male’s body language suggests that he is hiding something.  

An action shot is used during the scene when the door is locked, the action shot lengthens the time which emphasises on the event happening, it signifies that it has a significant point within the film. The action shot cuts between different angles of the same event happening, there is a close up of the door locking connotes entrapment and imprisonment.
Low key lighting is used once again to create deep shadows and gives a sense of mystery.

The scene is shot so that everything is behind the stair banister, they signify imprisonment and entrapment as it gives the effect of a cage, this emphasises the action shot scene with the door locking which suggests that entrapment is a major theme within the film.
Low Key Lighting is used again to create deep shadows and a sense of mystery, it also makes the characters vulnerable as they cannot see everything out there.

Close up of the character’s face to show her reaction within the scene.
Canted angle used within the shot gives dramatic effect to signify unease as she knows that someone is coming.
Low key lighting is used again to create dark shadows to create mystery, it makes the characters vulnerable as not everything is visible to them.
Shallow focus is used to focus on the woman’s reaction but also to blur the shadow walking towards her so it keeps the audience guessing who it could be.
Composition of the shot where the shadow is standing over her makes her inferior to the shadow, also the fact she is laying with her back towards the person makes her vulnerable as she cannot see his/her actions.

A subtle high angle is used on the two characters to show that they are inferior to something that is unknown to the views at this moment in time.
The close up used on the two characters show that they are scared of something, as it is unknown to the viewers it intrigues the audience to wanting to watch the whole film.
The composition of the shot signifies that even though one of the characters is an adult, they are equally scared at the unknown thing.
Low key lighting is used once again to make the characters more vulnerable as it suggests that it is night time there are less people wake to help them.

Slow motion of one of the characters to emphasise the event happening within the scene, the slow motion signifies that it is a significant event that she is running against time.
Cross cutting which is commonly used in all film trailers to intrigue the audience to key events of the film shows who she is running from.
Low key lighting is used again to set the time of the scene which makes the vulnerable as it is night time and there are less people to help. Also the darkness gives a sense of mystery as you cannot see some of the characters faces.

Whimsical Non-diegetic background music, similar to a music box which connotes mystery and give a feel that something is different and not ordinary about the place. The music starts to pick up its pace to correspond with the editing when the secret room is shown.
The sound effect of the steel door locking is emphasised its security.
Detached dialogue from different scenes placed over establishing shots so the scenes correspond with the dialogue, this technique was also used on the young girl’s whisper of “what’s going on” over the top of her mum looking at the security cameras which creates mystery and suspense as the characters are finding out when the audience are finding out.
During the fast pace zoom all over the house, the sound effects of wind compliments the movement of the camera to.
The use of a thunder storm sound effect as the scene shows a figure looking through the glass connotes danger and suddenness.
The non-diegetic eerie sound suggests to the audience that something is going to happen soon but the characters within the film may not know it yet.
Floor creaking sound effect is conventional within thriller films as it connotes that something/someone is out there creating mystery and suspense.
Intense non-diegetic music builds up as the pace of the editing increases to build up to the climax of the trailer leaving the audience wanting more.

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