Friday 22 June 2012

Creative analysis: The Roommate

  • Calm non diegetic music (suggests everything is normal)
  •  On screen text over white font over black background to make it stand out
  • close up of the face to introduce the characters
  • dialogue used shows the bond
  • establishing shot shows location
  • two shot and shot reverse shot shows the relationship between the characters
  • over the shoulder shot shows relationship between the characters
  • non diegetic music getting more up beat emphasise fun
  • equilibrium disequilibrium narrative
  • non diegetic sound effect correspond with camera movement and editing
  • fade tho black builds up tension and suspense
  • non-diegetic sound effect slowly gets more intense corresponding with the build up
  • sudden realisation through dialogue
  • close up to show emotion and reaction
  • low key lighting creates mystery and suspense leaving the characters vulnerable as they cannot see everything
  • ariel shot shows what the characters are doing but not enough for the audience to know who it is
  • shower scenes puts the characters in a vulnerable situation
  • door handle movement creates mystery and suspense
  • lights going out signifies that something bad will happen
  • extreme close up of the girl shouting in another characters ear to emphasise anger
  • hand held camera to create a sense of urgency and panic
  • on screen text corresponding with intense non0diegetic music to create suspense 
  • cross cutting to interest viewers leaving scenes unfinished to draw the audience's attention
  • canted angle signify the way Rebecca thinks
  • scream connotes danger
  • fast pace editing to create build up
  • heavy breathing creates a sense of panic as if someone is running away
  • showing title of the film at the end to make it memorable to the audience
  • fade in of mystery character to show theres more to the film than the trailer
  • zoom to correspond with fast pace editing and non diegetic background music

For the creative analysis of similar products I decided to annotate the video with on screen text. The use of on screen text using a bold white font over a black or dark background is used within both the the trailers as it gives it a more dramatic effect, also it lengthens the time of the trailer building up suspense for the viewers. Close-ups and extreme close ups of the characters faces are conventional in any genre of film trailers as it introduces the characters to the audience making it more memorable, also it shows the reaction and emotion of the characters. Even though there was not a huge amount of dialogue used within the trailers, the sections that do use it shows the bond between the characters which also works with the narrative. Two shot, group shot and shot reverse shot are often used to show the relationship between the characters. The non-diegetic music sound effects that correspond with camera movement and editing helps build the excitement of the trailer ready to climax with a cliff hanger at the end making the audience anticipate more. Low key lighting is used within most thriller movies to create mystery and suspense, it makes the characters more vulnerable as they cannot see everything that is out there and there are less people awake during night time to help. Fade to black is often used to build tension and suspense, it lengthens the time the audience has to wait. Canted angle is often used within thriller films are it connotes uneaseness or disorientation, but within the roommate it connotes madness and signifies the way Rebecca thinks. Cross cutting is used within any genre of film trailers to show exciting moments within the film to intrigue the audience and the way they always edit the ending out shows that there is more to the film. Face pace editing, also another technique used by many genres of film trailers build up excitement and signify there is more to the film than the trailer shows.

It was demonstrated within the Roommate such as the scream. Screams are very conventional within thriller films as the genre tend to build up to impending doom and screams connote danger. Also the lights going out and the shower scene emphasises on vulnerability as you cannot always hear what is going on within the shower. The lights going out also allows the audience to know that something bad will happen but the character may not necessary know. An Ariel shot was also used to show what the characters were doing, but not enough for the views to know who it is, along with the costume of the hoodie covering one of the character's faces creates mystery and suspense. The roommate started off with calm non-diegetic music which suggests to the viewers that everything is normal but when the music starts to pick up its pace and get more intense in immediately suggests the to views that something bad is waiting to happen (equilibrium dis-equilibrum narrative) which is a conventional narrative as they usually have plots where the bad things happen to people you would least expect.

From analysing existing trailers for the genre of film I will be making i have found many conventions I could include within my own trailer to ensure the viewers can clearly acknowledge the genre of film the trailer is within such as on screen text, fade to black, cross cutting, close ups/extreme close ups, fast pace editing, dramatic build up of non-diegetic background music, low key lighting and canted angle.

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