Friday 21 September 2012


Scene 1

EXT-NIGHT-: Small woods near a local park. Long grass over grown weeds, man made trail created by people disturbing the area. Isolated and quiet

Mai- casual wear (hoodie, jeans)
Dead girl-white dress, bare dirty feet

Mai (main character) is walking her dog as she would any other day. The dog is acting strange, barks wildly and runs off. Mai follows the dog and discovers the body.

(Gasping, stopping herself from screaming, crying)

Runs away (footsteps and panting)

Scene 2

INT-DAY-:stereotypical home

Mai returns home from school and sees similar white dress to the one that was on the girl’s dead body

Mai-casual clothing, backpack

(Confused) What’s wrong?

(Without looking at her mum, blank look in her eyes)
[Stutters and hesitates]

Scene 3

INT-NIGHT-:Inside Mai’s bedroom, stereotypical bedroom with a girly touch, sleeping with her door open. The white dress her mum showed her is hanging on the doorframe.

Mai-In pajamas

Mai finds it hard to fall asleep.

Inside Mai’s dream:

EXT-NIGHT-: same location she found the body of a dead girl

Mai dreams of being killed by hanging

(Twisting and turning in bed, gasping for air, panting, cold sweat)

Mai wakes up with bruising and scratches on her wrists.

Scene 4

INT-DAY-: Inside Mai’s bedroom

Mai chose to wear a short sleeve t-shirt, when looking in the mirror she realizes about the bruises and scratches. Mai in a hurry grabs a jumper/cardigan and rushes down the stairs and head for the door

INT: Living room of Mai’s house

Eat some breakfast before you leave
(As Mai opens the door)

(Calling to her)

(When Mai shuts the door)

Scene 5

EXT-DAY-:Outside of Mai’s house

Mai not looking where she was going bumps into someone in the street and exposes her bruising. Mai quickly moves her sleeves back down.

Sorry (at the same time)

Ahh… No it was my fault I should have been looking where I was going
(Helping the stranger up from the ground)

No no, don’t worry about it
(Kind warm smile)

Mai continues to go to school and everything for the rest of the day was normal.

Scene 6

INT-DAY-: Mai’s home

Mai returns home after school to find out about the death of the stranger she bumped into this morning.

I’m home

I noticed (sarcasm)
How was your day?

It was okay

Did you hear about the hanging?

(Stutter) err…what hanging?

That woman, they think she killed herself but it doesn’t look much like suicide

(Mai with a worried look on her face, she thinks her mum found out about the body she discovered that night)

Err… down _________street/road
(Mum shows Mai the news article on iPad)

Scene 7

INT-NIGHT-: Mai’s bedroom

Mai-Pajamas different to the time before

Mai experiences the dream again (snippets of previous dream)

(Twisting and turning, gasping for air, panting, cold sweat)

Mai wakes up with bruising on her neck as well as her wrists this time.

Mai walks down the stairs with a jumper/cardigan as well as a scarf on.

Why are you wearing a scarf in this weather?

(Hesitate) errr…I’m not feeling well


Can I stay home today?

Mai, the world doesn’t stop just because you’re not feeling well

Please mum
(Desperate look on her face)

-Sigh- if you must

Scene 8

INT-DAY-: Bathroom, shower booth, home alone

Mai taking a shower (humming to herself) sees figure/face through steamed up glass. Mai wipes the glass and find there is nothing there.

Scene 9

INT-DAY-: Mai’s bedroom

Mai is drying her hair after the shower, her phone rings and she picks it up.

Mai’s friend wondering why she wasn’t at school today.

Ah, you little skiver, you are alive then?

(Awkward laugh to try and hide her worry)
Yeah, just feeling a bit crap

You all right? You sound a bit weird

I was there…the bruises…it was an accident…he could sense it…the dress…I saw it…she’s after me, help me, HELP ME!

[Phone line is dead]

Scene 10
INT-DAY-: In her bedroom

Mai rocking herself back and forth in the corner while mumbling a nursery rhyme.

Scene 11

EXT-NIGHT-: the location Mai discovered the body

Lower body of the dead girl hanging, swinging, creaking


close up of dead girls face with her eyes closed then  suddenly open and cut to black screen.

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